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DTHM offers a sandwich model that combines theoretical courses at the university and periods of work in a professional setting. Students make valuable professional contacts during the six-month off-campus internship and apply what they have learned in their course.

Students take six months (up to one year) off from their studies to complete a credit-bearing (9 credits) internship, usually between the second semester of the third year (February 1 for Spring Internships) and the first semester of the fourth year (August 1 for Fall Internships), resulting in the award of a ‘sandwich’ degree. The internship site is evaluated by the department office to ensure that the students experience is relevant, safe, and useful to their career. A minimum of 160 hours/month is required. Students may choose to continue an internship beyond a single semester if necessary.

Off-Campus Internship Implementation
The internship program is carefully overseen by DTHM in setting internship rules for students, establishing guidelines for the Internship Advisory Board, entering into internship agreements with off-campus employers, and ensuring internship procedures to assist students in completing the internship.

Internship Supervision
During the Internship, an internship support committee will be organized consisting of DTHM faculty (i.e., internship supervisors) and host organizations. Committee meetings are held aperiodically to monitor the progress of the student interns. In order to monitor the results of those who intern off campus and also to share the internship experience, DTHM has organized two events during the internship. It is the duty of student interns to attend at least one of the two events to share their internship experiences with prospective students. The two events will be scheduled and listed in the student internship contract.


Internship Report
Upon completion of the intership, all internship, all interns must submit their internship report within two weeks in order for the academic supervisor to make a recommendation for the final grade. The internship report must be submitted in both hard copy and digital format for the academic supevisor to evaluate.


Internship Grading
Student performance will be evaluated by both practicum supervisors and academic supervisors. The internship grade will be determined based on the criteria listed below.

  Download Internship Report Format 

Graded by (% of Grade):
Evaluation Items
Internship supervisor (50%)
Incl. Working attitude, performance evaluation, attendance record
Academic supervisor(50%)
Incl. Written report, performance evaluation